Society of Transition - Envisioning Justice RE:ACTION

The Prompt

Life is composed of second chances. Some of the most deserving of those second chances are citizens returning home from a period of incarceration. Often stigmatized by prior convictions, opportunities can be limited, especially support to find employment and shelter. Transitional houses or “halfway houses” were created to provide that support. These homes are usually for returning citizens in need of a temporary home to reestablish themselves in society. Most halfway houses provide free or affordable housing and other resources, such as job readiness training. This is crucial because positive support after incarceration affects the reduction in recidivism.

This activity asks you to research and seek a transitional house near you to gain general knowledge on ways to support returning citizens. The purpose is to create a statewide map of transitional homes.



Research nearby transitional homes within 25 miles of where you live. This could be done by searching on Google or by word of mouth.



Visit the home’s website for a list of ways to get involved and contribute resources they need. If necessary, get in touch by email or phone.



Contribute what you can, and take a photo of the resources you shared. Avoid the faces of the residents and workers.



If you have a social media account, make a social media post reflecting on your experience and share the common resources residents in the area need the most based on your conversation with the homes. Use the hashtag #EnvisioningJustice.



Submit your photo of the contribution you made through the online submission form below. Be sure to give the name and city of the transitional home. Your post will be displayed here in a map of the transitional homes where users got involved.


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Society of Transition

Envisioning Justice