Layer One: Bars & Gates EP (2021)
Listen to this original EP created by Antonio (aka Toni Picasso), which explores themes around mass incarceration in his hometown of Decatur, IL.
Layer Two: Artwork
View Antonio’s paintings, which depict people who have been impacted by the incarceration of a loved one.
Layer Three: Bars & Gates Documentary
Antonio speaks in greater depth about the Bars & Gates project and his goals for the work in this 13-minute documentary.
Antonio Burton

Antonio Burton Burton's Bars & Gates: COPY+PASTE+DELETE works to spark dialogue about the impacts of mass incarceration on residents of Decatur, Illinois. In three layers — a six-song EP, a collection of original paintings, and a documentary — Burton examines the question: "Could you see a world without prisons?" Bars & Gates takes up this question through a variety of media, interrogating the impacts of incarceration on those who are incarcerated and those left behind — particularly children.
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